International Communication & Development



5th Finance & Investment in Qatar Forum                                               

Intercontinental Hotel, Paris, 25-26 March, 2010

Qatar forum paris logo                                    Qatar forum paris poster       
"The INTS was invited by Grey Doha, Qatar to attend the 5th Finance & Investment in Qatar Forum aiming for Qatari companies and governmental institutions to meet French private companies as well as public structures in multiple sectors. Public Health was represented by prominent Qatari personalities such as HE Mr. Abdullah bin Khalid Al-Qahtani, Minister of Public Health, Dr. Mohamed Fathy Saoud, President to Qatar Foundation, and Dr. Youssef Al Horr, Chairman and Managing Director, BQDRI (Barwa and Qatari Diar Research Institute).

On this occasion, Dr. Thierry Peyrard, Head of Unit at the CNRGS, and Sophie Maréchal-Françon, Delegate for International Activities, were given the opportunity to have a meeting with  Dr. Hanan Mohammed Al-Kuwari, MD, PhD, and Managing Director to HMC (Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar), French equivalent in some ways to our AP-HP. (...)"


HE Ahmad Jassim Al-Thani, Prime Minister, Qatar                                           Dsc03579 1     

Left: HE Sh. Ahmad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al-Thani, Prime Minister of Qatar and Mr. François Fillon, Prime Minister of France

Right: Dr. Hanan Al-Kuwari, Managing Director to HMC and HE Mr. Abdullah bin Khalid Al-Qahtani, Minister of Public Health, Qatar             




ISBT Berlin Congress

International Congress Centrum,  26 June – 1 July, 2010


INTS as a first-time exhibitor at the largest ISBT congress ever!

5,163 attendees altogether!


Isbt berlin banner


"Thanks to its booth located right on the ‘bridge’, a very busy area of the ICC, the ISBT Congress in Berlin has proved to be a most successful event for the INTS. It has indeed allowed us to display all our activities, renewing already existing contacts throughout France and Europe, and raising an interest in far-away visitors from the Middle-East, Latin America, Africa, etc … 
Due to this strong unexpected world-over visitors’ interest, specifically in our services offer in education and training, continuous improvement and quality policy implementation, blood group sample testing and audits, we are aware that it is time for us to prepare and open up to the world!"


     Isbt berlin pic                        XXXIst International Congress of the ISBT, Berlin, June 2010

Left: ICC Berlin facilities and aerial view of Berlin

Right: INTS booth with Mr. Thierry Zunino, Administrative Director, Education & Training Department




XIth European Symposium

Platelet and Granulocyte Immunobiology

Beaune, France, 21–24 October, 2010 


Beaune newsletter article


               Beaune congress programme                             Beaune ints booth





35th Annual National ISBTI Conference

Shanti Sarovar, Brahmakumaris Educational Society, Hyderabad (India),  12 – 14 November, 2010


Isbti hyderabad banner


Isbti hyderabad newsletter article


Dsc04227            Dsc04231            Isbti hyderabad congress view

Left: Blood Bank Directors visiting the INTS booth at the ISBTI Conference

Middle: with Dr. Cécile Kaplan, Head, Platelet & Immunology Lab., INTS and Eric Julien, member of the Education & Training Dept, INTS

Right: a view of the ISBTI exhibition and equipment stalls




Ministry of Health, Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC)

Doha (Qatar),  23 Nov. 2010                        Hmc 1

Visit of the Blood Bank facilities. Presentation of the INTS / CNRGS range of activities, EuroNet-TMS and the White Book.

Announcement of the 2011 ‘brand-new training operation’ in blood group + platelet immunology.

Collaboration proposals in:

  • Education & training activity (CME English-speaking courses, both in Paris and Doha)
  • Sending blood group samples (antibody identification issues)
  • Rare blood donations
  • Accreditations.


  Hmc qatar facilities          Dsc00457abis 2          

Left: Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) facilities, Doha, Qatar

Right: with Dr. Aysha Al-Malki, Administrative & Technical Director, Blood Donor Centre, HMC




Sharjah Blood Transfusion & Research Center

Ministry of Health, Sharjah (UAE),  25 Nov. 2010

This centre is the GCC spearhead in transfusion medicine as UAE rank among the 5 top WHO-validated countries for Blood Transfusion through their representative, Dr. Amin Husain Al-Amiri.

Presentation of the INTS range of activities. Visit of the Blood Bank.

Collaboration proposals in:

  • Blood groups
  • Rare blood donors
  • Platelet inactivation
  • Research in serology, quality control
  • An in-house 3-day training.

Sbtrc entrance                        Dsc05313 copie              

Left: Blood Bank entrance, Sharjah Blood Transfusion & Research Centre (SBTRC), UAE

Right: Meeting with Dr. Mahra Al-Marzouqi, MSc, PhD, Director, SBTRC and Dr. May Yassin Raouf, MD, PhD, Haemato-Pathologist, Medical Director, SBTRC





ATMC8 (The 8th Transfusion Medicine Course for Arabic-speaking countries)

Hilton Dream Hotel, Cairo, Egypt,  1 – 4 December, 2010

"Such countries have incomplete knowledge about immuno-haematology, blood groups, rare blood donors and traceability in HV (Haemovigilance). Saudi Arabia and UAE have just started implementing the AHN (Arab Haemovigilance Network) website for a few cases which makes it insufficient for them to validate the system. Therefore the INTS is looking forward to contributing in the European training coverage of the Arabic-speaking countries in such fields."

Slideshow presentation, with a special interest from Egypt, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Yemen.



 Transfusion medicine workshop for arabic speaking countries cairo dec 2010               Certif attendance atmc8 cairo 001




13th International Haemovigilance Seminar

Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam (The Netherlands),  9 – 11 February 2011


Next EuroNet-TMS and EBA meeting is to take place in Amsterdam on 9 Feb. am. The date was chosen with the possibility for all members to also attend the 13th International Haemovigilance Seminar, due to take place in Amsterdam from 9 Feb. pm to 11 Feb. under the aegis of ISBT, IHN (International Haemovigilance Network) and TRIP (Transfusion Reactions in Patients).


Ihn amsterdam newsletter article










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